Sunday 27 May 2007

The week was going well until today… I was up about three stacks – but I managed to loose a little over that to give me a $16 loss for the week. Bit pissed off really. I started today’s sessions by turning my QQ into top set – sadly my opponents 3-5 sooooted turned into a str8 – he check min-re-raises me on the turn – and then put me all-in on the river. I think some would say I should have got off it – but the way that the cards had come down meant only 3-5 was a danger to me and I was half hoping he too had a set. After that I held it together – and a few rotations later I flopped middle set with TT – sadly the check raise didn’t stop my opponent from trying to draw to his flush which hit on the turn and then again on the river – I gave that one up for minimal loss. After that I had a good hour on not connecting with flops, seeing flops which C-betting into was throwing money away or hitting but then watching as every conceivable draw hit on the turn or river.

Basically, the deck was spitting in my face, I began to tilt a bit (but I believe I didn’t loose too much due to tilt). Also some of the play was a little interesting, and no one was doing much in the way of folding their hands to me. In one hand I had 88 and was calling a bloke on a TcJc9d board knowing he had top pair – on the river a club fell and I bet ¾ of the pot and the speculative bastard called me with Q8o – lmao. Overall – I think the Sunday session is one for hitting cards on, many more fish than usual – but I failed to adapt to this and made some costly plays which would have been profitable during a weekday session.

All-in-all I have work to do 0 my roll is $1830 (a shame coz I hit $2k on Thursday) so another $1170 to make before I can move up.


Erica1985 said...

When you had QQ and he check-minraised you with 5-3 on the turn, did you by any chance flat call this min-raise? I only ask because you said that he pushed on the river when he caught up.

gamblinPOWER said...

SwimLikeAFish posts the small blind of $0.25
STR8CASH34 posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to fishPOWER [Qd Qc]
Tenzar folds
fishPOWER raises to $2
ponchoBob folds
SwimLikeAFish folds
STR8CASH34 calls $1.50
*** FLOP *** [4h Qh 6c]
STR8CASH34 checks
fishPOWER bets $3
STR8CASH34 calls $3
*** TURN *** [4h Qh 6c] [7s]
STR8CASH34 checks
fishPOWER bets $7
PietM stands up
STR8CASH34 raises to $14
badger30 adds $50
fishPOWER calls $7
*** RIVER *** [4h Qh 6c 7s] [9d]
STR8CASH34 bets $52.95, and is all in
fishPOWER: i gotta call
fishPOWER calls $31, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $21.95 returned to STR8CASH34
*** SHOW DOWN ***
STR8CASH34 shows [5c 3c] (a straight, Seven high)
fishPOWER shows [Qd Qc] (three of a kind, Queens)
STR8CASH34 wins the pot ($97.25) with a straight, Seven high
fishPOWER is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***