Friday 18 May 2007

three good days in a row - this is a first

1) bigish hand early on I have QQ in early pos - I make it $2 - MP makes it $3.50 and gets a caller in the bb, I make it $11 and get two callers. Flop is 3,4,J with two clubs - SB pushes $21 - I fold - if it were only me and him in the pot I’d insta-call - if he's flopped a set of Js what the fuck is he doing playing it like that when I could easily have AK and if he checks to me I bet. I didn't call because i felt that the next person to act could very well have JJJ, KK or a very slow play with AA - he folded too so wish I called.
Later on the player who had bet me off it showed signs of being a maniac by pushing UTG to open pots etc. lol. 2) $45 pot, I have TT and am in the SB facing a limper in late pos - I raise it to $3 and the limper calls - flop is 2,9,7 two clubs - I bet $5 and he pushes for $15 more - I insta-call, he shows JJ and I spike a T on the turn. This I would play this hand the same every time; he's unlikely to be very far ahead and could easily have as little as a draw or A9.

Roll up to $1795, overall now only -$1080 down for the years play.

I’ll post again on Monday after the weekend sessions


Erica1985 said...

I'm not folding in hand one...ever.

gamblinPOWER said...

i have to say erica - more i think about the more i completly agree with you. Problem was i had only been on the table 2 mins (if that) and i was worried about the guy to my left. I was thinking of all the hands that call $11 pre - some people will make that call with JJ, KK, or even AA - and i was just waiting to walk into a set. But, as i say - i do agree +ev call.

Erica1985 said...

Yeah some people may have JJ, KK or AA, but how small a range is that of his actual range. Pessimism will lose you a lot of g-bucks.