Thursday 17 May 2007

The Plan

Following my downswing on Party I decided to withdraw funds and have a think. I decided to put $2k aside for poker. $500 went on party, $600 on FullTilt and $100 on Stars (for tourneys only).

Currently the FullTilt account stands at $630, the Party account at $240 and Stars is basically $0. So – second round didn’t start so well….

The Plan
I need about $3000 to move up to 50/1, I have £1322 left to make – and I intend to do this on 25/50nlh and nothing else. To combat the problem of loosing money I’m currently cutting down from 10 tabling 6-max to 4 tabling. I’m cutting my lengthy sessions out – and trying to never play more than two hours straight. I’m not gonna keep playing when I’m down a big number, nor am I gonna move up a level to chase my losses.

What I’m looking to do now is try to grind $250 a week – for just over 5 weeks and hopefully have the necessary funds to move up to 50/1. I think I’m also gonna only play FullTilt for now – I have $480 left of bonuses left to clear, and it’s the only account where I have any real funds left. Furthermore, I think the play is less erratic and all-in-all of a better standard than Party, this way I will develop more aspects to my game than flopping sets and stacking donkeys (which I found to be fairly profitable on Party). When I double the FT account I and have cleared the bonus I’ll put about $400 in Party and then look to invest the remaining $800 of my roll in which ever site is offering the best sign-up deal and rake-back.

So, the point of this blog is to let everyone whose interested watch my progress – I’ll try to keep it up-to-date. I’m also going to be posting any interesting hands that I play.

Finally, I’m looking keep real records of my other gambling on this blog, and use the same roll for it. I have stopped all other forms of gambling at the moment whilst I focus on building my roll – I’m not going to be tilted by blackjack and then destroy my roll because of it. I think I’ll re-introduce horse-racing into my repertoire when the roll is a bit healthier - I have had some big successes on horses and loved gambling on major race meetings since I won £150 on the National at the age of 13– but I don’t see the point of casino games etc – I just never seem to win and it doesn’t take a mathematician to understand which way the long-term profit graph will point.

Hopefully this blog will be interesting, and not just a micro-stakes version of bluescouce’s 88%concentration. But we’ll see…

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