Monday 21 May 2007

week 1 round off...

Alrighty – didn’t play much poker for the weekend except for a small session on Saturday where I ground out about $50. The overall result for the week was $249 of profit – I’m very happy with this and I’m hoping to continue my upward streak. In terms of my play in relation to variance - I think the variance was fairly neutral - I lost one pot to a 2 outer, and I won one hitting a 2 outer - other than that most of my big hands held and it didn't take too many miracles to get them.

Just finished a 2 hour break even session – Monday night is very slow, but nothing much to complain about – I did have about a $50 swing and suffered a little bit of bad luck. Overall I think I can play 2 hours of good poker before I get board and start to make mistakes.

Will keep you posted as to how this week goes – but hoping to achieve the same as last week - $250 profit which will start me on my way to a decent roll.

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