Saturday 3 November 2007

end of month update

Ok – end of month blog update. Well, it’s not been going all that great, very close to break even. Okies – I’ve played 17k hands and up $100. However, I’m much happier with my style: playing 16/11.

I know that I should be up more over this many hands – however – I’ve seen some horrible variance – esp on FT and Sun, however – PTY has been going pretty good. The main thing I’m happy with is the fact I can drop 4 buy-ins and still play good; in fact on one night I was stuck 5 buy-ins and ground 3 back before I quit for the night. In my opinion, in order to beat FT you have to play a very LAG style and really concentrate on the tables and the table selection – PTY on the other hand is certainly beatable playing fairly TAG with a bit of extra aggression pre. However, playing very aggressive on the flops and running big bluffs is certainly –ev; the value is because they cannot fold.

So yer – I’ve got a few hands below: – should I have folded, vil is playing 39/28 from 38... – do you think the way I played this hand was +ev? – vil is playing 100/27 from 7 – so I presumed AA was in his re-raising pre-flop range. My plan was obv. to get HU with the short stack – who I correctly believed had nothing. Also – this table was playing wild; I’d recently seen AK vs 66 AIP – so thought my JJ was massive. Lol. – not so sure what to do here... – or what he has here...

These are more “LOL donkament” brags – funny, none from FTP... – lol donkaments... – everyone wants 4-way action with KK... – vil played bad – but I did love my river shove – think it looked like a bluff – he called with 2 seconds left – ship! Ship! – Sun poker aint so bad.

Okies – well that’s been my month. Plans from here – well I’ve just started reading week – I would like to do a bit of work – but I also want to play 40 hours of poker before Sunday next week. The plan is to reach 30 buy-ins for 50/1 – coz this $50nl bull shit is killing me. Honestly, I believe with a bit of luck I could even start playing 50/1 by the Sunday. Will keep people posted with a Wednesday update.

Anyways – ty for reading – gl at the tables

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