Sunday 25 November 2007

$1 profit for the week - $300+ swing

At my low point I was stuck another 6 buy-ins however, at this point I’m up $1 for the week. So a good turnaround me thinks. I had to do a fair bit of work to get even and had to really adjust my negative attitude towards the game. In the previous week I had been sucked out and coolered pretty badly, but I had also forgotten some significant points of the game. I’m pretty good at playing long sessions across 6-7 tables, but the mistake I kept making was trying to get into big pots too early – when I should sit at the table and build up a few notes on the players before risking too much money. Later in the week when I went back to doing this everything began working much more smoothly. Here’s a few hands for the week:

1) – this vil is playing 85/14, has shown in previous hands that he is a real beginner, has no concept of position, bet amounts or the value of his hand in comparison to the board so I raised pre for value and was more than happy to get my money in on this board.
2) – this vil was playing like an absolute maniac – he was playing 100/30 over 13 hands – but had doubled up once and since managed to lose two stacks – I should confess that this call did take some encouragement from Jack – I believed it to be a high variance call (and considering the hit my bankroll had taken I wasn’t sure if I was ready for more variance) – but Jack was certainly correct to dispute my point esp. when the vil showed his holdings.
3) – this hand is open to discussion. My thoughts were, as this vil is playing 32/9 his UTG raising range must be small-ish (obv I was wrong) – I was hoping that I could induce a shove from his range which I was setting as TT-AA inc A-J and above. Obv. The check re-raise all-in on the river made me think I had let him walk into top set or a J-high str8 – but I had to make the call. Would like to have some feedback here tho.
4) – not sure what to say about this hand. Whether I should bet flop and turn is certainly questionable – vil is playing 50/13 and I put him on the flush draw. Kinda feel I was priced into the river call tho...
5) – this hand made me look like the table fish – the vil is playing 58/0 and was spewing everywhere – I assumed that he could be bluffing here I suppose – not sure what others would recommend...

So end of this week was much better than last – my black-jack high rolling friend gave my account a massive bashing on Friday and Saturday so will try to get some free $s off PTY – when I called on Saturday morning they’d only give me a $100 bonus which I have to play 4000 raked hands to clear – However, his average bet was higher on Sat so might be able to work on getting more off them – lol

Not too much work to do next week so will work on the $50 nl – gotta make $675 before I can move up – which is a bit of a pain coz I got very close at one point in the previous week.

Ty for reading – gl at the tables


Unknown said...

Glad to hear things are turning around man! Keep working on your game! Hopefully we'll both make nl100 soon

gamblinPOWER said...

been so close so many times then keep hitting a downswing/monkey tilt to drop off like 20 buy-ins and have to scrape back