Thursday, 7 February 2008

"wtf, nh sir... wp.... love how you disguised it by calling off half you stack with it pre..."

Just finished another sub 5 buy-ins session. Cannot believe how bad I run. Or perhaps, I just won’t accept how bad I play. – right, so my bad, I presumed that to call 10% of your stack pre you had to have a holding that wouldn’t connect with any part of that flop... how wrong was i? – I can almost hear it now: “you make money from fish making stupid calls like this” – well, against me I think he’s 50/50 with this hand, so it’s a good call pre and on the flop I suppose!

This is fairly standard for the way I run with big pairs:

This was the last hand I played of the session, don’t think I made too many mistakes – perhaps should have folded pre.

So these are the hands which have left me tilting a little – but I think I lost a fair chunk just through 3-betting my big holdings. I’m just finding that I get called all the time, and then it’s difficult to carry on after the flop: – btw, even if I flop the ace or king here I don’t think I can go broke on the hand, I almost have to treat it like a 2-bet pot, don’t I?

I think the main area where I’m losing money is with big holdings. In a hand like this I know he has a set of jacks, but because I have put in the large 3-bet and had it called I have to go with the hand.

I’m just finding that with ever increasing frequency I’m having big bets called with hands that are looking to catch, and recently, they haven’t had much of a problem catching.

Basically, I have to confess I’m getting a little bored of these stakes – I still have a $2500 roll and I am seriously thinking of just taking a shot at a higher level – if I lose 5 buy ins I think I’ll just withdraw what I have left and call it a day. I just think, I used to enjoy analysing hands and my play, but now it’s all getting a little tedious as the big red number grows. At one point I was absolutely crushing PTY, why?, I was hitting a set 1 in 10 times, I wasn’t getting coolered too much, my big pairs held sometimes, basically I was running statistically okay. Now, well I don’t have a clue what has happened. I get coolered once or twice a session (including set over set 200bbs deep), I get KK vs AA at least once every 15 times I have KK (should be 1 in 42 on 6 max I believe – but those calculations make it sound like a rare occurrence!), I just never seem to flop a set – and the times I do they have absolutely nothing. I still play fairly nitty, but hey, they’ll still call $10 pre wit J7s. what can I say; I’m probably not getting out-played too much, but out-flopped – yer, think that’s the problem.

Ty for reading, suggestions always welcome.

Gl at the tables

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