Tuesday, 26 February 2008

eeek - 6 buy ins in the wrong direction...

So I just played my worst ever session on PTY. I think I got unlucky but also played pretty horrendously towards the end of the session. There’s a few hands which stick out a bit that perhaps I should mention.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?2173381 – I think this hand is a call - I do hate going broke on AA in an a 2-bet pot – but when he shoves here I just don’t think I can fold. The vil is playing 25/8 which makes it less likely that he’s raising pps from the blinds – but I think his shove looks like a draw.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?2173421 – this hand I hate myself for. Vil is 22/16 so I know the guy’s a solid player. On the flop he tanks and then calls – I know that looks dodgy, and either means he’s flushing or he’s got a set. The deuce on the turn let’s me know that it’s unlikely he had the deuce set and the JJJ set is almost out of the question – so it’s 4s or the flush draw – when he shoves on me after the turn it does put me in a bit of a situation – although I’m getting 3:1 on the call I’m thinking he has a house almost enough of the time to merit a fold – but I was tilting so I called... 100% shitty play by me!

http://www.pokerhand.org/?2173451 – I think this hand is rather marginal – the donkey is playing 50/0 and has recently made an expert call on two streets with an under pair (that was actually good) against me. If he raises the turn I can fold this hand – but as played I’m not sure how I get away from it.

http://www.pokerhand.org/?2173783 – this is another pot that I knew I wasn’t winning on the turn. And I could have told you what that king did to his hand. Bit of a cooler really – having a fair bit of trouble with fish and their gutshots atm.

Other than these hands there were a few others where I continuously failed to hold up. In fact the only stack I took was my AK vs QQ. Think this was a mixture of running bad and playing bad – I should have quit when I was showing a $125 loss, however, I don’t think I was playing really terribly until I hit the $200 loss – even then, the biggest hand I lost was when I was gutshotted. Overall, down $268 for the week which means a little more time before I move up...

I think my gambling is becoming a little reckless atm. I don’t think I am putting 100% of the effort I should be putting into the game and I keep taking risks, such as betting turns where a check may be more +ev. Perhaps I need to get over this before I go back to the game.

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