Sunday 13 April 2008

Stars sucks balls

Decided to play the $50 freeze on Stars this Sunday. Was doing ok, grinding basically, getting close to the money and wanted to chip up.

When the vil puts in the massive raise pre I put him on a hand 77 to QQ. I admit, I was wrong but wasn’t too unhappy as I have a nice little chance to win a big pot here. When I flop the ace and the queen I’m thinking ship! Ship! – but I remember this is Stars, and remember how much I agreed with Jambon’s post on the WarwickPoker forum on the topic of the Stars turn and river. All it took was one look at the flop to know how it was going to happen, he wasn’t going to hit a king – that’d be too obvious, he was 100% going to get running hearts to make the 1 card flush on me – when I saw the turn heart I knew what the river was going to be.

I hate Stars – the most rigged site on the net!

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