Wednesday, 2 January 2008

end of 2007!

I haven’t been playing much and I haven’t been blogging much. However I’ve make about $700-$800 this Christmas through tourneys, sngs, bonuses and rakeback. So I’m feeling quite happy. Bad news is that I’m only up $300 for the term.

So my year. Well I can’t believe it’s only ten months since I put $500 on stars and lost it in about a week and felt absolutely gutted. However, after downswings, much tilting, spewing money at Omaha, near misses in tourneys, 24 hour sessions loaded up to the eyeballs, 15 tabling, chat-box misuse, a thousand threads across the Warwick poker network, $00s on software and website membership I finish 2007 only down $93. And that is including software purchases etc – however does not include $1100 I spent on a monitor – coz that’s more for essay writing – lol.

Basically, I’m fairly pleased with myself. Yes, I appreciate others have down slightly better – such as Kanu and of course the Aba slayer. But I feel I have really gained a fair bit out of poker. I’m so pleased to have learnt to develop my “gallows humour” etc. And I really feel I’m analysing every play I make in a very different way to how I once did. All in all, I feel I’ve gained a lot for my investment of about 400 hours and $93.

So I end the year with a roll of $2833. I had decided to move up to 50/1 when I have $3000 – but I think I’m going to make sure I spend another month at 25/50c before I go anywhere. I’m going to have to get busy with other things if I’m gonna get through this degree with my aim of a 2:1. But anyways, thanks to all those who have read this blog.

Best of luck at the tables in 2008!

ps- have been made an Ace on PTY - how sick am I? anyone know how many points I need to become a "Black Duece"?


Unknown said...

Hey man good post, good to hear a much more positive attitude than the one about a month ago! Seems you have been less worried about whether you finish a session up 20 or down 50, but are more interested in the actual analysis which is obviously far better in the long run! I'm sure 2008 will ship some monies your way! Keep up the posting and GL!

gamblinPOWER said...

ty very much