Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Broke even yesterday, then made my first $50 - now down $100

Alrighty so just finished a shitty session – couldn’t seem to make any hands, and nothing stood up – few tricky hands though.

1) http://www.pokerhand.org/?1980331 – this vil is playing 25/19 and certainly dosen’t look to be an experienced player – so I was happy to make this call out of pos. And I believed he could misplay the hand post flop. Think I have 33% equity when the money goes in – however I hoped he had an over pair or something of the sort which could give me fold equity on such a co-ordinated board and I’d have even more outs.
2) http://www.pokerhand.org/?1980354 – the vil is playing 28/4 so it’s not a real supprise he called me pre-flop. I opted to just flat call on the flop, basically coz I wasn’t sure where I was in the hand – he could have flopped two pair or a flush draw, I was hoping he had the flush draw and chose to call. The Ace on the turn basically committed me to the hand and I planned to check-raise him all-in – hoping that this way he would have to call off the remained of his stack with the flush draw – however, he checks behind – and then shoves the river flush card – think it’s a fold – but equally, maybe I underrepresented the strength of my hand and should have called for that reason.
3) http://www.pokerhand.org/?1980384 – more I think about this hand the more I think I should call the river bet. The vil was playing 19/13 and I’m getting 4:1 on the river-so I think perhaps a bad fold as he probably has the flush draw at least 1 in 3 times – and the other two times has me absolutely crushed.

In sum I played pretty appallingly, missed just about every flop and just kept getting check-raised – it felt like I was playing on FT again – lol

Will probably give it a bit of a basing over the next few days

Also want to back some ponies to vent some frustration of reaching break-even-for-the-year yesterday and now being $100 down again. Lol – This happened when I last broke even all those months ago in easter!

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