Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Still bocked on FT H-core

Ok – so today – playing a $20 45 runner sng - $380 for 1st place. First hand – there’s been a raise and a call so I opt to set mine with TT in the SB – flop a set and manage to get TPTK to get it all-in and someone with a gutshot – a few hands later I run QQ into AK and AK and I’m now sitting on 7k (starting 1.5). Manage to make it to the final two when I lose 3 hands, 1) KK runs into AA, then QQ into KK, then QQ into A8 lol.
So decide to leave the hold’em for a bit and try 2-7 triple draw $1-$2. Start of playing well, however then get dealt 10 low – bet it all the way (and standing pat obv) against someone who draws 2 cards on the final draw! So obvious bet out – he then re-raises me with 8-6 low! Now, not being a good low-ball player and also tilting I manage to run 8-7 low into 8-6 low about 3 times and piss my last few $s.
So after a break – time for hold’em to get even again. 1st bocking is that PTY crashed as soon as I got on to it. So FT and sun poker – as per usual, the boring, action repelling fuckers combine with my constant lack of cards and I make a small loss on sun poker. On FT things go a little better or so I thought! After taking down a few pots I’m on a bit of a roll and at exactly the same time these two hands occur...
Okies – I am able to insta-call this guy knowing 100% that I’m ahead coz I re-popped him on the last three hands tbh I expect him to turn over AK/AQ here.

and as i get outdrawn there i look up to see this stack shooting off aswell

Wtf – closed every table straight away after that – what a joke
How do you beat FT?

1 comment:

gamblinPOWER said...

brag: made nearly $1k playong on PTY this term
beat: still down $100 for the term