Monday, 15 October 2007

Monday blogaments

Basically – I wouldn’t be on a downswing if it wasn’t for FT – I have lost about $700 on FT since I started playing poker after the summer. All-in-all however, I’m only down $330. My thoughts in brief are: FT is almost certainly rigged, PTY is still awesome (and who cares if I won’t be making $100 a month in rakeback or able to get a FT T-shirt for every 3million raked hands) and that Sun Poker (Crypto ntwk) has to be the most passive poker site I have ever played on – when I get a hand or two I might actually be able to make a buck or two – lol.

Me getting dicked on – FT: – I know, a fairly standard hand that I think I played fairly badly – only thing that made me get it all-in was the amount that went in pre-flop which made me feel rather committed to the pot – villain playing 30/13. All-in-all think it’s pretty obv what he’s got when he puts in the check raise – should I got broke here tho...?

Any other hand posts I could stick up from FT this week would be bad beat stories – so not much else to say – just seems it’s hard to get them to get any chips in without a big hand (normally bigger than mine – lol) – so no more FT for a while then.

PTY donkamentation
1) –“ imbluffable” stands by his name and plays 67/17
2) – Quite happy with the outcome of this hand obv. – not sure what others would say about the way I played it – due to the amount they called pre I hoped there would be another big pair out there that would call my insta-push and also did not want to get anymore cards out on the board. Odds are my 57% to his 42% so not a bad call on his part – slightly –ev call pre though... lol
3) – I’m not posting this hand as a brag coz it played itself – but more to ask the question, if you have been check-raised (esp by the pre-flop raiser) and you have a nutty draw that’ll get there 1/3 of the time – is it +ev to push? – my feeling was this guy has very little fold equity here. Also – on this table I’m playing 14/10 L.
4) how the hell do I get value here?
So – total roll across all accounts stands at $2216 – looking to make $800 before I take a 5 buy-in shot at 50/1 – and fook me if it doesn’t happen soon I’m going to top myself I think – lol. Only other note I should add is that I’m planning on reducing the number of tables I play and try to really crush them – I find it dull but I’m going to need to improve my winrate asap.

Also – the bankroll management has become a bit of a bore – I know it’s the only way to have long-term results etc etc – but I needed a bit of fun so I’ve opened a UB account with $50 for a spin-up. The start – Will convinced me that the best way to start was to play BJ – so $50 on the spot, I get 16 vs an A – a bad spot – so hit surrender. After a few wins and losses my account still stands at $50, but I now have 4.2 UB points – think that translates to 0.49c or summin’ sick.

Take the $50 to 50/1 – have a bit of luck and get up to $75 – time for $1/$2 – get it all-in pre against a short stack with AA against his AK - $100 pot – after that I managed to push up to $200+ before descending to $125, getting board and quitting. – spin-ups aren’t as fun as I imagined.

The plan now is to get to $225-$250 on $1/$2 before taking a half buy-in shot at $2/$4. I am planning to get my edge through good table selection and holding a string of Rosary beads to warn away the bad beats. I think religion is an important part of poker – as proven by this year’s WSOP ME winner. God bless his little spiritual self.

Anyways – will let you know how the spin up goes. And will keep you updated with the real roll building as well.

TY for reading, GL at the tables

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