Monday, 11 June 2007

Back in the black! (for the week that is)

Last week was pretty good – By Saturday I had made my target figure of $250 but spunked about $20 on P-Stars sngs – lol – I think I’m now stuck something like $900 on that fukin site. So totals for the week – Ended up $240, so I’m now at $2,078 and I’m $795 in the red for the play this year –an improvement!

Overall – I think I deserved to make money this week – the last two weeks I’ve been following my old trend of play bad, get stuck, play for hours trying to break even, and then I managed to follow that up with a bit of bad luck in big(ish) hand to end up stuck a nice figure. So since then I’ve really been trying to improve my discipline and I think it’s certainly affected my profits.

I made a fair but of my money out of the tight players that go online at the start of the week. I know, and am constantly told how tight I am, but at least I am aggressive when I choose to play a hand – unlike some of these kids. So yer – I found it easy to grind a profit out of them. Won a couple of “no-brainer” pots, like flopping the nuts flush against a smaller flopped flush – Sorry ‘jocelyn85’, and won a few nice pots with sets etc – inc a very big pot (for 50nl) on Friday night – I had been raising up almost every hand on this table coz they were so fukin tight – then I pick up 55 from late, raise, no action, 44 from mid, raise, no action, 33 from UTG raise and the SB decided to flat call with QQ – we’re both sitting $65 deep. Flop is 3,J,7 rainbow – he checks to me and I bet ¾ pot, he raises and I re-raise – he then insta-pushes – I call and hold – this is typical of Friday night play, basically if you make hands you’ll make money.

There were a few hands I’m not sure I played well:

$35 pot – I call $1.75 pre in the SB with AJo. Flop is 9hAdKd – I check and the player bets $2 – I raise to $7 – he swells up and calls – turn Jh – I decide to check again (wrongly) and he bets $7.5 into $18.50 – the size of the bet worried me – so I decided to just call (mmm) – river is Th – horrible card – I call and he pushes for $32 into $35 – I opt to fold deciding that his most likely holding is AQ – or perhaps a suited Ah – either way he’s got me beat – I think I should have exercised more aggression on the turn when I was probably good. – I just didn’t want to go broke on 2-pair on that board.

$45 pot – UTG flat calls and MP raises pot – I re-pot with JJ on the button, bb calls and the original raiser calls – flop – 9s3h7d – it’s checked to me I bet $14 into $21.75 pot – SB pushes for $36 total and the other player folds – I decide I have to lay my hand down. My thought process was: 1 only made hand he can push here that I can beat is TT. He started the hand on $43 in chips – if he had 8-T (or other check raise all-in coz I’m a fish drawing hands) would he call $7 pre? – also, FT everyone loves to float these big pre-flop bets out of position with big PPs – so I deduced that he probably had KK or AA. However, to come to this decision I had to factor in the illogical nature of ssnl play – perhaps I’m over-thinking the situation and he’s sitting on AK and has put me on the same sort of hand…

$25 (ish) hand – OK I played this on another PC so this is from memory. I had KQ and raise on the button – one caller in the bb – flop 7s8hQd (I think) – he bets pot – so I raise 3 times his bet – he dwells and eventually calls – turn is Xx and he bets ¾ pot at me – I decide to fold – I don’t want to get into a big pot without even TPTK – however, when I thought about it I came to the conclusion that what could have happened was that he made a stupid, out of pos raise with a draw on the flop – then called my re-raise – then when his card didn’t come decided to take another stab at it. If he had a hand he was sure of why not check raise me on the turn – it’s pretty obvious that I’m gonna bet out again as I raised his flop bet. So again not sure of this one.

Anyways – good week. Not sure how much I’m going to play between now and the Monday after next because I have lots of revision to do. The last thing my roll needs now is a damaging revision tilting session to take a bite out of it.

Would really appreciate a bit of feedback on my tricky hands. Thanks for reading. GL

1 comment:

BenWarwick said...

Hey Ollie, I've been following your progress on the Warwick Poker forums and think this blog will be very good for your game in the long run. Not only will it enable you to hopefully get feedback on some hands you think you played badly as in this post but also by posting the hands it actually makes you think about what you have done and how you can improve rather than just forgetting about how you've played and moving on to the next session. I'm in a pretty similar position to you in that I've recently wanted to start playing more online poker and I think the fact that I have started to write a blog has helped me in terms of thinking about how I played, you can find it at
As for your blog I think it would be much more helpful if you used a site like to display the hands instead of writing down rough figures. Its easy to use and allows for a much clearer picture of how the hands played out.

As for the hands you say you played badly I think alot of your problems may stem from not making a decision on your hand early enough and therefore getting into further difficulties down the line. For example in the AJ hand I think that when the turn comes down you need to decide whether your hand is good or not. When you checked to him and he bets the $7.50 I think your next action should be your last in the pot. Either you decide you're ahead in which case you push or you decide you're behind and so fold. By calling you are giving yourself an even tougher decision which in actual fact the river made easier for you. Say the river had come a blank I think if he makes the same move you have an even tougher decision on your hands which is why you need to define your hand on the turn.

In the second hand I think you played it well. Like you say the only real hand you can beat in that position was TT and IMO the majority of the time you're going to be behind with the action that has gone on in the hand.

The third hand is an example of the sort of marginal hands that can make or break your day. Whilst its all good when the decisions you make all day are straight forward, in reality this rarely happens and I think some of the time you're going to be ahead and some of the time you're going to be behind in this spot. I have seen people protect from the BB after a button raise and go broke with hands like Q3 sooted in this spot, but he's more likely to have Q8 or Q7 if he's got you beat, you just need to decide if you were, which you did.

Good luck at the tables