Monday 20 October 2008

Back to $50NL

Okay – as I endeavour to finish my trip report of Vegas I thought it was perhaps time to give a poker update. Well, since leaving Uni I’ve kept my playing to SNGs and tourneys, and I’ve discovered that I’m pretty bad with MTTs and almost as bad with SNGs. I’d like to say that I assume it’s just luck that’s costing me – and yer I’ve had some rather laughable beats – but hey as my graph begins to look more and more like that of Enron’s profits in their last year of trading I decided that it was perhaps time to give the tourneys a break. So it’s back to 6-max cash.

Well – I’m playing on FT and PTY and playing well below what my roll can handle ($50NL with a $5400 roll) – however, I’m really enjoying it. I’m only playing 4 tables at a time and so far have been having pretty good results. I’m playing 17/13 which is prolly well below optimal, but the FT $50NL has loosened up so much since I last played there, and I have induced a few amusing spews.

1) – felt pretty happy with my play here. My feelings were that having check called the turn, betting out on the river would tell my opponent that I had the nuts – therefore, checking was really the only option – and it got me some pretty good value from air.
2) – this hand I have absolutely no idea about – he insta-called my all-in and I really couldn’t believe that I was ahead. Think I played it ok though.

In sum – I’m really enjoying playing cash poker again and hoping to move up to NL$100 in about a month. And at some point I’ll get back to writing up my Vegas posts.

All the best

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