Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Poker Poker - it's all skill.

Just a quick post to sum up last month’s poker. Well, I got a degree to pass – and I need to do well considering I’m not sure “going pro” would be the correct decision for me. Nonetheless, I have tried to change my game significantly.

No lengthy sessions; be happy to quit when I’m stuck.

Fewer tables – between 5 and 6 I think is optimum for me.

Up the aggression! For too long I’ve played a really tight game, so I’ve decided that had to change. But I’m not simply raising every hand, I’m using the stats to really make decisions on whom to raise, whom to re-raise and also whom to simply flat.

Basically, I’ve decided to change from playing 10-12 tables like an unsuccessful bot, to actually playing thinking poker across 5-6 tables.

The results: well, tbh I haven’t played enough hands to make this a proper sample. I’ve only played 2320 hands. I’m now playing 18.32/ 14.83, so I think there’s still work to be done, I’d like to get up to 19/16 with profits before I move up to NL:$100. I’m attempting to steal 31% of the time.

Profits have been rather sweet: I’ve made $535 over the month, which works out at $97 an hour. I’m winning 21.22 Tracker BBs per 100 hands. What I’m particularly happy with is the fact that I’m winning with many more of my starting hands than before and the hand graph is a steady upward trend with constant small wins rather than just stack sized pots.

I know that in the past I’ve played this many hands in a session and that this is a poor sample. However, I think the change is style as certainly affected my win rate, and I think this bodes well for my game in the future. My roll is just over $3,300 which I think is enough to make the move to NL:$100, but I think I’m going to stay where I am until after the exams and even then try to put in a lot of hands in the week prior to the move. Basically, I don’t want to fuck up the move up, so I’m going to wait until I can do it properly.

In other news – I want to get rid of $224 FT $, I’m prepared to swap for PTY, Stars or Sun. I’ve just been running so horrendously on that site that I think it’s now tilting me whenever I go on it – so I’d rather just sell out of it and call it quits before I do any more money on there.

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