Friday, 25 May 2007

I’m planning on writing a weekly run-down every Monday, so I’m not going to assess my whole week now – it’s going OK though.

I just wanted to post this hand and try to get some feedback – I was impressed with the result – but I want to know what other think.

25/50c 6-max game: UTG raises pot (sitting on $47), I’m on the button with KK – I push it up to $6 – now, the SB inst-calls me which I found very interesting, I’ve had people on FT choosing to flat call a big(ish) number with AA before and I found this very fishy. UTG then pushes all-in – my thoughts were he has QQ probably, less likely is AK, but I cannot discount AA or KK either. I’m also still worrying about the insta-call in the SB – I’m putting him on something very strong as well (his stats are very TAG and he’s not been doing anything too wild at all) – I decide, calling the push may be good, but as the other player is showing strength as well I opt to fold deciding that one of them must have me locked up with AA. SB insta-calls – SB shows AA and UTG shows QQ.

I must stress that I would not have laid down my hand on all sites – but most of the people on FT will not get it all-in pre without (QQ), KK or AA, and the people I was in the pot with had been playing a tight game – therefore I was sure that one of them had me locked up.

What do you think?

1 comment:

suitedflush said...

i never fold KK pre for 100BB, even if i'm sure i'm beat. you're wrong far too often to fold here.