Sunday, 23 September 2007

Hard night...

Okies – so to set the scene I was tilting due to my internet connection which seems to suffer from the increased use it gets on Sunday evenings.
I’m stuck about half a buy-in and then I get into this hand: – I checked the flop hoping to check-raise – then my comp disconnected, and when it reconnected I think I played the hand badly – however – I knew if I called his turn bet he would probably put me all-in on the river. Basically, this is open for discussion. Villain is playing 30/10/7 – next hand I played KK like a donkey, should have bet the turn and folded the river – pretty obvious what he had. Villain is playing 42/8/4
Now down $100 so take a break and have dinner. Mmmm
Internet connection still a bit screwy but manage to play this hand before it fucks up again – if he hadn’t raised me on the flop I would have folded the river bet – but I don’t like people changing their story...
So down $75 for the night...
After another break I start playing again. I managed to lose $150 in this session and I’m not quite sure how I dropped three stacks.
I think I played the following hand quite well, but it’s open for discussion. Posted it because it’s a fairly common situation on SSNL tables. – in this hand, after 2-betting the opponent and not getting raised I was happy to go broke on a board with no over’s – think this is an ok mentality – had no stats on the villain and he was a short stacked donkey as far as I was concerned.
And now the not so good ones: – this was a bit of a tilt call on the turn... can I justify it? – Okies my thoughts were; on the flop: how can I fold this hand? On the turn: he’s giving me 4:1 and there’s a 20% chance the board will pair and on the river – thank god for the 8, it just saved the latter half of my stack. Lol – anyone think I could have played this differently? Villain playing 40/6/4 – this was kinda embarrassing when he almost timed out before making the call. My thoughts were, there is no way he’s checking a house or the nuts flush to me on the river – if I bet $20 he may think it’s a mis-click, call with a small flush or three of a kind Ts. Don’t know – as it played out it made me look like a donkey. Villain playing 44/5/5
There were also a fair few hands like this: – villain playing 45/13/12 - I know this is a small pot but I cannot work out if I should be looking to call here... cannot understand his play...
Overall – so many hands where I would raise pre, C-bet in pos, get called and see that they were holding some raggy TP by the river – not sure if I should be increasing my aggression or reducing it...
Overall I hit very few sets over the course of the night, tbh I hit very few flops really. Lol. Having looked fthrough a shit load of hands I’m just beginning to think it was an unlucky night. It seemed if I had a pocket pair and they had overs they would hit their overs, and if it was the other way round I’d just not hit at all.
Anyways – down $225 on the night. Not feeling too shitty about it coz I don’t think I could attribute more than $40-$50 to pure tilt. And I didn’t get any horrible outdraws after the money went in. Just think I got on the nastier end of variance. Probably will hit the tables again on Tuesday and start trying to make it back. To make myself feel happier I re-loaded $100 as I made about $140 playing live the other night so think I should include the profit in my roll.

Ty for reading. Gl at the tables

The week...

Okies – so the week where I was planning on making loads of money and running my roll up – well – it didn’t really happen. Played a little on Monday and Tuesday, but spent half the time trying to get PTH and PAHud working properly – and in terms of profits I broke even.
Wednesday night home game – 10/25p with straddles. I bought in for £120 but only started with £50 on the table. A couple of hours later and I was stuck £40-£50. The game was fairly fishy so I decided to play a fairly weak; trying to make hands and get paid rather than make any plays. Had to lay down a few big ish hands after getting sucked out on, or appearing to.
By 1am I had £60 on the table (the remains of the £120) and started to make a few well times plays against those who could fold. After making back a little bit of cash the home game looseness got me back in the black when I managed to get into a £100 pot 3-betting all-in on a 7, 7, 2 board with my KK and getting called by 66.

An hour later and we were down to 4 handed, tbh the game was now only slightly +ev for me – most of the producers had gone broke. However, I managed to get into a big pot with Rich: I called a small raise out of pos with 66, flop fell 3x,5s,6s – I bet just under the pot (about £2.50) mainly because I know rich will either float me or raise – he does, making it £8 – I then make it £20 – and he insta-pushes. I have him covered but the call is about £100 (400bbs). I know I have to call, however, we talk a deal with my hand exposed and his covered and decide to run it for £100 – nothing too interesting comes on the turn and river and he flashes QQ before folding. I think the deal I made here was absolutely terrible – I should have called and then decided on offers – I was worried that he’d have a straight, or a draw to the straight, flush or both and would have a chance ranging from 25% to 65%. Basically, I should have played for the whole stack. Lol donkaments on my part.

I ended up playing in the game til 8am – which became very –ev for me, i made some bad plays and bad calls and ended up a £70 winner for the night. It’s hard to cash out of a game when you are the big winner and the host though. Lol.

Spent the rest of the week and most of the weekend locked in a sea of debauchery but tried to play this afternoon. It was a fairly poor idea; I was certainly not playing my a-game (due to the after affects of the weekend) and due to the foooooking internet connection which chose to render me offline as soon as I got into a big hand.
read the next post for the session report - lol
gl all

Sunday, 16 September 2007

The summer...

I would like to say I achieved my goals: running my roll up to $6k and gaining experience from playing half a million hands +, however – it wasn’t to be. What poker I played I did after drinking, although, in my defence, I kept it to small tourneys and stts in an attempt to limit the assault on my bank roll. I think I did fairly successfully. I have to say my overall respect to those who make most of their income from stts has definitely increased; those things have to be the most frustrating little fuckers around – not going to run through the outdraws and bad-beats (mainly because I can’t remember them).

The summer has been slightly dull tbh. After making vague calculations of sums that I spent over the last three terms at Warwick I knew I needed to sort out a fairly solid income. So back down the poker rooms to be paid to take shit from gambling degenerates who honestly believed I was in complete control of the cards I squeezed off the deck. This was then combined with the stress of being paid in a variety of different ways ranging from an hourly rate, rake commission and purely on tips; meaning that my ‘stable’ job could earn me half as much for the same hours one weekend as it did for the previous. Overall, I really fukin hope I never have to work in another gambling dive again.

Other than the poker dealing I also did a month of 9-5ing at a London trading house. It was an interesting experience, but I have to confess the overall impression of myself that I left was that of a lazy cunt who found it hard to make it to work before 11:30am, read the paper for 2 hours a day and always stank of the previous night’s alcohol. So, me thinks there might not be a job waiting for me there for after graduation.

I didm however, managed to get out of the country for 10 days in Ibiza. It was pleasant apart from the intense heat, the fukin outrageous prices and the parasitical Spanish people who were getting very rich as a result. Overall, good fun had by all…

Basically, how I see it now – I have two weeks left before I have to be in Warwick, and I’m really going to try to make the most of my time in terms of poker. My aim is to go for the complete package; try to eat healthily, get more exercise and reduce the evening’s intake of toxins. Hopefully, this’ll put me in much better stead at the tables, especially in terms of reducing my losses when things start going downhill.
Three concepts have certainly been compounded this summer.
1) Bad-beats happen to everyone – but it doesn’t matter how sick they are, they’re still really, really boring to everyone else. The amount of times I found myself saying, “If he was very unlikely to win, surely you wanted him to get his money in?” So, I’m going to try my best to analyse my play without thinking about my roll total - and certainly try to not dwell on bad luck.
2) The combination of pride and tilt is a danger to any player regardless of their ability and bankroll. I was dealing at the Western and watched as one of the bosses managed to loose about £4.5-5k playing £2/£2 PLH in about four hours. It included the following hand; seat 3 sb, 4bb, 5posts £5 straddle, the boss is next to act and raises pot (£19) with 9-5o – two folds and a call from the button, flop is 3,9,5 – somehow, with a combination of raises and re-raises the boss managed to get the button all-in on this board for a further £1200 and saw that he’d been called by bottom set. I’m not saying I’m a protégé, but I’m sure I could have chucked the two pair for 600 bbs!
3) Finally, alcohol (and most other intoxicants) is a great way to relieve you of your roll. There was always a couple of people who’d walk in after a long night out and manage to loose upwards of a grand on the £1/£1 PLH game.
So from this my master plan was formed – firstly try my best for healthy living; feel good, play good and get rich – lol.

Also – I think tilt can be reduced by expensive technology – so I’m looking to buy a 27” or 30” dell LCD screen to run off my new Vaio. Hopefully, these items can be seen as investments and not losses – but only time will tell.

Finally, as I only managed to clear half on my FT bonus, I’m looking to start up a new account with a nice bonus scheme some time soon. Anyone have any ideas of which site to go through?